May 2022 by Daniel Joseph Charles
Today I went to Nolanville Tx Circle K! My day got bad real fast. It ended with my father in the hospital. It was an accident and the lady did apologize to my wife for what happened. This is what I appreciate more than anything because most people would not admit to what they did or what happened which she did once we told her what we found. Apparently something broke off and ended up in his bean and cheese burrito. It was about 1 inch metal wire looked like part of a whisk. It was scary to see a person gagging and choking on something that you just bought them but when he finally got it out it was like WTF. I feel bad for the lady as she worried the whole time as for my father grabbing his throat the rest of the time I was with him. I am happy to see people who care about others speak up. Plan to talk to management/Owner to see about this situation for sure.