“Went preschool and and beyond I love the pastor and the people but I haven't been in a long time and would like to go to Bible study and church if I had a way there good place to go too”
“Rollingbrook Fellowship is a Christ-centered church where the gospel is shared in its entirety and the Bible is trusted as the inerrant word of God. My family attended for over a decade before a location change and health needs necessitated a move to a church closer to our home. We continue to maintain a loving relationship with our Rollingbrook family.This church is comprised of spiritually mature believers who have led, taught, and spiritually equipped my family as we pursued discipleship. When my family suffered a major medical event, this church surrounded us with love, prayer, encouragement, and support.Our children grew up in this church and attended both the Wee School and First Baptist Academy. They thrived in what was absolutely a safe and loving environment. They learned the truth of the gospel and a multitude of Kingdom values.When former associate pastor Lawrence "Clay" Hopkins was arrested for Solicitation of a Child, his employment with the church was immediately terminated. The church maintained absolute transparency by sharing this matter with the congregation during the following Sunday worship services. They also promptly reported the incident to the Southern Baptist Convention on Monday. Refer to their official statement at thebrook.com.Mr. Hopkins' actions shocked and wounded the staff and members of the church. Even as a former member, I personally feel angered and betrayed by his act of depravity. He violated my trust and has caused God's church and character to be slandered in the eyes of the world. He is one man, however, and I do not blame the church for his hidden sins.Mr. Hopkins' crimes and character flaws do NOT represent the loving character of the Rollingbrook Fellowship's staff and members, nor the nature of Jesus Christ. This church has been badly wounded by Mr. Hopkins' actions, but strives to continue sharing the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community.Since the Hopkins incident, Rollingbrook Fellowship has offered professional counseling services to any who were affected by his actions. The senior pastor has also announced town hall meetings for both members and frequently attending visitors to voice their feelings, concerns, and pain regarding this incident.May God provide healing and peace to the staff and congregation, as well as to all others who feel hurt and betrayed by this recent event.”
“If it wasn't for the love and support we have received from this church for several years now. My family wouldn't have eaten. They always make me smile when they notice my forced smile. Thank you ladies from the food pantry for reminding us we are not alone.”