August 2023 by Xotwod 0.
Today I left completely and utterly upset! There is an older looking lady, brown hair, miserable looking face, of the name "trin" not sure if that is her real name or not.. she has a strong accent. Each time I come to this specific target I constantly encounter her very rude comments, gestures energy etc. I almost came back with a bat and beat her with it for talking to my children the way she did. My son has autism and has a fascination with balls, he takes one of these balls and bounces it as we've gotten home with flat balls before he wanted to make sure this ball was ready to play with and nice and filled with air, ms. (Assuming she's not married because who could be with someone so miserable) trin yells at my son "CAN YOU STOP BOUNCING THAT BALL AND PUT IT BACK" i was in such disbelief I could not even utter a word out of my mouth, my son came to me in literal tears. This old lady needs to retire if she does not enjoy her job, she needs to remember that without us consumers she would be unemployed. Hopefully management takes this matter seriously. Dear trin, watch the way you treat people because someone who does not have as much forgiveness and patience as me will come up there and handle you.
June 2023 by Kaiden H.
I love this Target, it is clean and big, I came after a haircut. This is better than other SuperTarget stores. Take advantage of buying Prime here, the limited-edition Lemonade Prime that was sold on eBay for over $1000 or more is now officially sold in stores, it is not limited edition anymore. Lemonade, Ice Pop, Meta Moon, and Strawberry Watermelon were sold when I came, other flavors were sold in the sport drinks section in packs. I came in this store on June 10, 2023. It is also an older Target location, Fandom said it opened in October 2006. The Toy section is also bigger than other SuperTargets, they also have a full beauty section, more like the regular Target stores. Whenever near here, you should come in and check this location out, it's amazing!
May 2023 by Janel H.
I'm more than disappointed in the way Target is going against being inclusive to Christians and conservatives who support most of their business...by purchasing products for their families....whoever is the buyer or thought they would slip an evil Satanist designer under our noses should be ashamed and be fired.... I will never shop at Target again...I loved Target since they opened and was so happy to see Chip and Jojo from HGTV have a line representing their brand. No more for me and my entire family...that's about 75 more people not buying anything from Target.
October 2022 by Nellie S.
If you like to receive your drive up orders with missing items and be hung up on every single time you try to call to contact someone at target this is the place to go! the app gives very little options which is fine but nobody can do their job and answer the phone or fulfill the item properly. Unreal. Will be going to the Frisco target after this happening for the 3rd time. :)
September 2022 by Tara C.
Congratulations target you're officially just a more expensive Walmart. If I wanted to wait in long lines or check myself out I'd save money by going to Walmart. If we have to wait in line that long or check ourselves out I should be getting a paycheck from you. Just very disappointing.
August 2022 by Brian S.
Always a great experience at my neighborhood Target. The staff is friendly. The pharmacy is quick and efficient. Their clearance racks are great. Loss control used to keep an eye on my wife, but that's because she's usually at the the target 5-7 times a week, and that isn't a joke (My mother says she needs to buy stock in Target). She ended up letting the plain clothes loss prevention worker know that we live behind the Target, and she just loves Target, and will continue to shop there, even though there is a Wal-Mart across the street with lower prices. Even though Wal-Mart is cheaper, the peace of mind at Target, is priceless.
November 2021 by Bob F.
I just wanted to let Target know that you have an incredible and an awesome employee working for you. Her name is Lauren and she took her time and took me to men's department instead of just pointing me that direction.....which normally that's what they do. She took all the way to the other side of the store to where I needed to be.Way to go, Lauren!
November 2020 by Vasilica S.
Love this store hands down! I love the seasonal decorations along with house supplies. They always have something new!