February 2024 by Aaron D.
Thanks for allowing your associates to treat me like I'm a theft and accused me of trying to steal items. There were plenty of other people going to registers but the old lady literally dug through my whole cart... oh on top of that I'm 33yrs old and she wouldn't allow me to purchase alcohol I'd checking me screw you lady. I will take my money elsewhere with you saying I'm stealing crap because you had to count all my items in my cart 3 times.
August 2023 by Ava B.
I mean it's a Walmart, so the store is automatically disgusting. Always a bunch of not well behaved children running around like hyper animals (not Walmarts fault, but just a heads up for whatever reason.) despite all that it gets the job done, always got what I need. But just a warning, DO NOT use the bathroom, it's a Walmart so that's pretty common knowledge, but this Walmart in particular is just rancid.
April 2023 by David I.
I went into this walmart to purchase the smallest firearm they have. It was a My first rifle by Crickett a single shot 22lr. I filled out all the necessary paperwork and got the all clear to complete the purchase. The main guy that has to oversee the sale (Noah) finally came to the counter after I had been waiting a painfully long time. I needed to use the restroom really bad but they said I couldn't leave until the sale was complete. Then they told me I could leave my grocery cart by the counter because they had to walk me to my car. I got a little panicked knowing how desperate I needed to be in the restroom and knowing my wife was in the vehicle pretty far out in the parking lot so I called her and asked her to pull up closer. Mr save the world Noah instantly perked up and then said why did you do that. I explained to him my situation like I had to the First Gentlemen that was filling out my paperwork. Well I guess Mr Noah was in his Superman cape because he said we are going to put a hold on this sale. He said it was suspicious and anything suspicious calls for a hold. Wow! I'm buying a 22 plinker that has maybe a 12" barrel and is a single shot rifle! Out of all the big guns in the cabinet I'm buying a little trainer and already completed all the paperwork. Noah I'm sitting here in the HEB restroom writing this because I can't even bear to finish buying my groceries at this location. This Walmart has the worst customer service in the world but at least they all have capes and report to Nick Fury! The last time they got me this excited I was in desperate need of propane. It was a little rainy and pretty late and I could tell they were just avoiding the work. They called the acting manager who didn't bat an eye and confirmed they were out of propane. So I walked outside in the rain all the way to the propane cage and looked inside. I could see around 50 bottles with a fresh seal on them. I went back in and told them and they begrudgingly helped me at that point. Morale of the story if you don't feel like doing something just lie. The tire shop has some good service though... that's where the single star in this review goes to.
April 2021 by Matthew J.
The new "upgrade" is the worst thing that has ever happened to this Walmart. We have all had that horrible experience where only one checkout line was open before and Walmart knows how much we hate that. So what they did was make that there permanent business model. They ripped out all of the check out line except one. I know what you are thinking "why don't you just use a self check out" That is a good question. Because if you have more than 3 items in your basket it is impossible to do that. Let me give you an example. if I have a full basket with these tinny tables next to the check out there isn't enough room to put a full basket of groceries on the table. So in order to check out I have to result to putting my food on the floor of Walmart. because there just isn't enough space. I will be shopping at the over crowded HEB from now on. and non food items i will get from Amazon. Because even with the long waits its better than putting my food on that nasty floor. Two thumbs down.
February 2021 by Pete O.
Not enforcing mask mandate, multiple people in there today coughing, in produce a manger walked right by one and didn't say anything after seeing the customer coughing on the bananas.
November 2018 by E. J.
This place sucks...... Never any cashiers! 80 people in line one checkout open. Does anybody even know how order inventory?! They're always out of things repeatedly for weeks at a time. Please wake up and hire a decent manager Walmart!
April 2018 by Doug H.
Watchout!!! This Walmart in Lockhart, Texas will post one price at the shelf but it rings up a different higher price when you check out. When I call them on it they say they will fix it but the next time the same item still rings up at the wrong price. Staff does not care. I know it is hard for a customer to do when you are buying a lot of stuff but it would be well worth it to write down the prices and check them at the checkout register as 30 cent here and 50 cents there can add up quickly. Great way for Walmart to make a lot of extra money on unsuspecting people.... If it happens, stop them and make them check the shelf price, of course they will adjust it at the register if you call them on it but they will not fix it in the system so next time it will do the same thing. Buyer beware you have been warned.
November 2017 by Marsha H.
I recently moved to the area. Unfortunately, my movers wanted cash and couldn't give me a flat fee till the move was over. Also, they only took cash. I had no idea where the nearest ATM was. Like a crazy person, the first thing I found Walmart. In fact, that's what people were muttering to each other as I tried to get them out of my way. This crazy person, finally found an ATM. Lo and behold, the amount I wanted was too large, said the machine. Quite conveniently, the bank it was located in could give me money IF I opened an account. It only cost a dollar, but I was out of there ( after making a few purchases :P Subsequent visits were just as strange. I want to the self-check out and a personnel swoops in and tries to teach me how to use the machine. Meanwhile, the guy behind me is laughing at me for being in a self-check out lane. They still do that at that particular Walmart. I love to watch people make fools of themselves. It makes me feel better when I do it.
November 2017 by Jessica U.
They have signs up for the Bakery but there's no Bakery, they have signs up for the Deli but there's no actual Deli. I mean it's okay if you don't have those. Not all Walmarts have a Bakery and/or Deli but don't put signs up and then be like oh we have packs of sandwich meats that's the Deli and regular name brand loafs of bread that's the Bakery. Because I'm screaming a Bakery bakes fresh bread and a Deli slices fresh meat. So take your signs down because you don't have either!
February 2016 by Yvette M.
Employees mainly all the lady's that work here are so rude ! Customer service center is so slow. & they only have 1 or 2 lanes! Doesn't really carry much stuff.