December 2023 by Red Baran
The documentary that came out broke my heart. I had such a good time as a kid, none of this evil stuff happened to me. But the idea that leaders and volunteers don't need to show ID is insane. I volunteer at my wife's school, I needed to get licensed, finger printed, background checked, etc. just to go on feild trips with high school (uasully 17-18 kids).God this is sad.
December 2023 by TC B
I do believe that this organization started with such great ideologies and plans. Unfortunately as time has gone- the goals and mission have become lost. My son was a boy scout for a few years, and I do believe it was more about selling selling selling and raising money than teaching skills such as fishing, hiking, camping, and male leadership.
April 2023 by Benguin
I am an Eagle Scout (from 1992) and this is NOT any longer "my Boy Scouting program". In these last 30 years, they have managed to eliminate God and guns, yet somehow make room for girls and gays. Lord Baden Powell would be ASHAMED, as am I, of what this once-great American institution has devolved itself into. Shame on all of you who have allowed this to happen.For those seeking a truly American, God-fearing alternative, may I suggest Royal Rangers or TrailLife USA.
April 2023 by Benjamin Stone
I am an Eagle Scout (from 1992) and this is NOT any longer "my Boy Scouting program". In these last 30 years, they have managed to eliminate God and guns, yet somehow make room for girls and gays. Lord Baden Powell would be ASHAMED, as am I, of what this once-great American institution has devolved itself into. Shame on all of you who have allowed this to happen.For those seeking a truly American, God-fearing alternative, may I suggest Royal Rangers or TrailLife USA.
October 2022 by John Gatsby
Love my pack but I find it really funny that your people messed with kids yet to go on a camping trip...the parents have to watch a ridiculously lonnnnng video of common sense things about molestation, grooming and bullying. Get real. This is such a HUGE turn off and, get this, if you want to volunteer for this organization....you have to pay TO VOLUNTEER and you have to pay for your own uniform!!!!! Nevermind having to sell tiny little bags of popcorn for 25 bucks.I want to do something good for my kids and you want to line the corporate pockets.
June 2022 by brandi hughes
I don't support woke . Who ever is running this place should be fired. They're not for your children well being.
February 2022 by Brandon Kelly
The BSA National office is a great campus as well as fun and interactive . Set up an appointment and say to your national office.
December 2021 by BrendaLeetv
As a former Eagle Scout, and my sons also Eagle Scouts, that new merit badge that is now required or "FORCED" that is in line with the WOKE agenda is a disgrace! Why are we forcing an upcoming Eagle Scout to take the Citizenship in society is in line with the WOKE agenda
December 2021 by J Horton
Definitely don’t recommend the Boy Scouts of America to any family. I signed my daughter up for this program and recently asked for a refund because I’m no longer able to make the meetings. I have been getting the run around for almost a month regarding my 46 dollar refund and this is ridiculous.
September 2021 by T Cartwright
This is an amazing organization that teaches young boys and girls so many valuable life lessons! There is so much that they Do to support the children.. They have great financial aid packages so anybody can participate. My son has learned invaluable life lessons and I definitely recommend signing your children up for the Boy Scouts of America!
July 2021 by Eric B.
If this is in relation to the Boy Scouts of America museum, prior to COVID when last visiting it, the place had a lot of good things to do including pine wood racing, caving, camping, and related activities in the museum. However indication at the time was the museum was going to be closing down and moving (I believe to Colorado, or where ever that national head quarters were). I'm not sure if that has occurred since but, recommend checking before going as it may have closed since then.
January 2021 by Byron Gilbert
Both my son and I had great fun in this program and it profoundly improved our lives. I hope we contributed some.
January 2020 by Gary Hall
I am an Eagle Scout and I also have one Palm. I disagree with the direction the BOY Scouts are going. Who ever made this decision should leave the USA. You not American.
September 2019 by Darwin Otoniel Mateos Sánchez
Nice place!
May 2019 by Michael Mannix
The Security guard was very helpful, but most of those I wanted to talk with and share Scouting information, have retired, out to lunch for hours, or in meetings and too busy to see a Scouter from California, only there that day.