XoticBrands Home Decor
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9AM - 4PM14800 Westheimer Rd h3, Houston TX 77082 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
January 2023
She was lovely, but smaller than expected. It was a b-day gift for a 6 year old dancer, along with the lovely Petite Danseur by Degas!
January 2023
Amazing! I will come again and again to shop with you
January 2023
I bought a Couple Nude Embrace Sculpture and I Love it !!
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About XoticBrands Home Decor
XoticBrands is a home décor brand in the US committed to adorn your home in the most unique and beautiful way you could ever imagine. We boast of a collection of great antique replicas, museum replicas, sculptures, statues, capitals, pedestals, accents, furniture, planters, steampunk, architectural designs, Greek and roman artwork, religious statues, African art and gallery, memorial art and stones, finials, indoor and outdoor décor and more. This is to beautify and accentuate your home in the many ways imaginable. We create a home for the different, for those who reach for items that have a story around them; we close the gap between the history enthusiasts and their arts. We help create an inspiring home filled with gracious tales.
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