January 2024 by Rory Baker
Gabriel L you are a LIAR. Your license was already broken when you handed it over. Too bad they Sheriff's dept didn't take you to jail for having that pistol you didn't declare at the barrier.
December 2023 by Gabriel L
Bad people.
Security management Gonzalez cut my license they don't have the authority but he still did it.
June 2021 by Darla Rhodes
Best job ever! Small facility... Great work environment!
May 2020 by Dan Joseph
Cavern 5 at Bryan Mound is the largest crude oil storage cavern in the world and can store up to 37 million barrels of crude.
November 2019 by Jason Cornier
Great place to work!
January 2018 by Charles Tipton
They tease you with employment after submitting an application. Every 6 months to a year to see if you're still interested, but never an invite to an interview. Only to tell you that they've been approved to hire, but the approval has been revoked.
January 2018 by Blake Northrup
Worked here for 7 years. Met many great people in my time there. Lasting memories.
March 2017 by Nam Viet Machinery
Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve