September 2021 by Melissa R.
If I could give Edge Park United Methodist Preschool zero stars, I would. First day of preschool started on Sept. 8, 2021. On Sept. 10 my daughter's Dad picked her up from school. As he walked up he saw his little girl half on the railroad tie and half in the playground area lying there. She had been hurt and the teacher was only sitting next to her. Not holding her or giving her any comfort. They approached him only to make him sign a waiver of the accident. Sept. 15 when I picked up my 21 month old daughter, Sandra (Director) stated she was "at her wits end", only a week after preschool started. As a first-time parent, I was stunned to hear a teacher say this and became concerned for my daughter's well-being. I asked Sandra the next day how much time we would be given to allow my daughter a period of adjustment and she responded with Sept. 24th. This preschool only had a total of 7 students (toddlers, three's and pre-k). On Monday, Wednesday and Friday they had all 7 students attending. On Tuesdays and Thursdays it was only 3 children total. I asked why the head count was so low. The first excuse was due to Covid, the second excuse was due to no small children living in the area. No one wants to put their child in a faith-based preschool facility when the teachers have no patience to work with a small toddler, that's the real reason the student count is so low. I've requested a partial refund for this due to the facility giving up on my toddler. No other preschool or daycare facility should do this to a child. I'm due a tuition reimbursement, supply and registration fee. I would highly discourage any parent to use this preschool. They expected a toddler to sit amongst two other 4 year old children and color for 20 mins. I don't know any toddler that will sit still for 20 mins. We tried going to a playground in our neighborhood and my little girl was very upset, like she was traumatized from what happened at Edge Park. No care-taking professional should treat a child or parent the way we were treated.