“I would have normally given Holiday Inn 5 stars, but (everybody I know has a big but)? the room had a few problems with it. First, the remote doesn't work, that is, unless you stand in front of the TV and point the remote over the top of the TV just to get it to work... and work poorly. But then the chise lounge has a big stain on it... very unbecoming. I will tell you all one thing, I always love staying at Holiday Inns, but (here it comes again) I have noticed that some of these Holiday Inns are not paying attention to detail... Not all but some.”
“I would have normally given Holiday Inn 5 stars, but (everybody I know has a big but)? the room had a few problems with it. First, the remote doesn't work, that is, unless you stand in front of the TV and point the remote over the top of the TV just to get it to work... and work poorly. But then the chise lounge has a big stain on it... very unbecoming. I will tell you all one thing, I always love staying at Holiday Inns, but (here it comes again) I have noticed that some of these Holiday Inns are not paying attention to detail... Not all but some.”