The best thing about Valuta is the diversity of currencies it handles. Some of your employees require skills in dealing with clients and it would be more beneficial to soften the commissions for purchasing currencies. If so, there would be no exchange center in the region that competes against Valuta 👌
July 2024
I went to buy Euros in the afternoon and the tall guy with glasses was real helpful and nice. I would recommend this place to anyone that wants to exchange foreign currency.
March 2022
Always the best exchange rates in El Paso and quick service.
Open 24 Hours Serving El Paso Since 1981 We Buy and Sell Foreign Money: Mexican Pesos, Euros, Canadian Dollars, English Pounds, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Central America Ask for a Better Price on Mexico Trades over $1,000 USD Send and Receive Money Worldwide, Electronically through MoneyGram. Money Orders, Stamps and Envelopes. ATM Machine Small Bills and Coins for Merchants and Hospitality Industry Some Check Cashing In Downtown El Paso between Paisano and Overland Contact Us (915) 544 -1152