MPG Tire & Auto
Auto Repair,
Tire DealersHours:
8116 Alameda Ave, El Paso TX 79915 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
September 2023
I had a problem with my tire, they gave me much needed advice, and they helped quickly. Good services.
June 2023
Great fast, reliable and fast service. Took my car for an alignment and everything was done within half an hour.
June 2023
Highly efficient and thorough. The one thing they also impress me with how honest and transparent they were through the whole process.
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About MPG Tire & Auto
MPG Automotive Services is an auto repair company that provides full service auto tune up & vehicle repair for gasoline & diesel engines including foreign & domestic vehicles; and has been serving the Tucson, Arizona community since 2009. Our service centers pride themselves on delivering "Exceptional Customer Service," as well as upholding the highest standards of our profession. Regular and timely preventative maintenance helps you avoid becoming stranded due to potential breakdowns while avoiding costly repairs due to premature component wear. Achieve total vehicle dependability with Lifetime Parts and Vehicle Maintenance Plans. Ultimately, keeping money in your pocket by delaying the need to permanently replace your vehicle.
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