Tireco Distributors
Auto RepairHours:
8420 Eastpoint Dr, Dallas TX 75227 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
December 2019
Slow to get tires and wheels only sells tires now American truxxx was not bad wagar is great sales rep
April 2019
Great customer service did not have to wait for tires
October 2018
Fast delivery on our business accounts. I been here one time. Randy and others take care of me.
More Comments(18)
About Tireco Distributors
Tireco Distributors™, formerly known as TDXperts, is a nationally recognized distribution company built upon 50 years of expertise in the tire industry. With 34 locations across the country and growing, we have an extensive product selection, dependable service, and various programs to support your business needs. We truly value the trust you place in us; that's why we put you first in everything that we do.
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