“Today stopped in at Walmart for some quick items. Whipped around picking up this and that. I realized the store had been reorganized and for the life of me could not find soup. Going up and down the aisles chuckling to myself, where is the damn soup, LOL? I asked a pretty lady that was smiling at my desperation and she pointed over next to where I was standing ....oh dear, how embarrassing. Sunday afternoon, smiling ear to ear we chit chatted for ...a while. Finished our shopping...she came over to me and handed me a card, saying, we should go shopping again! Greatest shop experience ever, Walmart, spent like 50 bucks and some free butterflies in my stomach and a new friend..?”
“Said my mower would take a month to fix, only took 11 days. The reason for four stars is I was thinking about buying a new $4000 riding mower, but they won’t deliver it, they just give you a number to a delivery service. Is this asking too much, or is it just the way things are done out in the country?”
“Tractor supply does a great job supplying needed farm products. I used to spend quite a bit of money at tsc regularly. I no longer do. I don’t know of any other major brand store that honors our Veterans less. I am a Navy veteran. I didn’t lose a limb or have to sacrifice my life, or worse live through a near death experience and be defamed and faceless the rest of my life. However, I did serve, discharge honorably, sacrifice the bigger part of my 20’s and a lot of my mobility protecting our Country and serving our citizens. This is something only a small portion of our population has been willing to do. Hey it’s not for everyone and you can be more of a distraction to our men and women at arms instead of a threat to our enemy if your not cut from that cloth. I’m not talking for myself but the gentle women and men out there. You are not forgotten. There are a lots of companies that honor us 365 days a year; from the moment they open until that night when they close. Use your spending power for their success. Let’s take it away from companies that enjoy our freedoms but seldom honor those that sacrificed for it and in to many cases gave everything so we can live happy and free.”