This is not a good childcare. They have had 2 violations with the CCL in one year.
December 2018
This school has some of the most loving and dedicated staff. The teacher's love what they do and enjoy providing the opportunity for learning and developing young minds!
December 2017
This is a wonderful facility!! I have had my kids here for almost 2 years and do not plan on leaving anytime soon. The staff is wonderful!! I absolutely love childrens universe of lake conroe!!!!
4.2.20.Children's Universe of Lake Conroe is open for business and operating at our regular hours. We are considered an Essential Business during this Covid crisis, and appreciate the opportunity to support our communities during these tough times. We take the health and safety of our children and staff seriously and are following all the required guidelines for childcare operations. Some of these safety measures include child drop-off / pick-up outside the entrance to our buildings, only children and staff are allowed inside, temperatures of all children and staff are taken at the door, no one with a fever or obvious symptoms is allowed admittance, lots of hand-washing throughout the day, and regular sanitizing throughout our facility.