“One of the Penney's stores in the Cedar Hill area. This particular store is easy on and off Highway 67. The store is not enclosed in a mall, but is close to eating establishments, Cinemax theatre, and Walmart.”
“Was Great, Ashley taught me how to properly fit and buy clothes to fit my daughter, and Edith was great in the assist, as a single parent Dad, I needed help, soldiers are easier lol”
“PLUS thaRestroom was cleeeean and ? ???THEY ALLOW YOU TO ACCESS IT without HAVING TO ??LIE TO THERE CUSTOMER ?!about using the RESTROOM ?????? ? ???
Dressing ?room customer ?service went well?? ? ?
And the line was like a black a Black Friday ?lol but the customer service rep that helped assist us on this day ,really could say she was cs friendly you can tell that her and her bUrlingTon teaM had to had a busy day @work ✍?so I pray for them to grow stronger and continue interacting with all cuStomerS????”
“I absolutely love this location and enjoy the people at this store! They are super sweet and always trying to help. They all bring something different to the table which makes it a Team! Rude customers doesn't stop them from giving exceptional service to the next customer.”
“Good selection of clothes. Fairly well organized, but almost every rack had sizes out of order. Granted, it was close to closing, so this may not be the usual.There was a situation that the curtain to my fitting room was ripped open by another customer. Luckily I had pants on, but I was not fully comfortable trying in clothes after that. I am pretty sure it was on purpose for some ungodly reason, but the staff and management were very understanding about my concern. I do think this was preventable by not putting curtains for doors in the fitting room, but that isn’t something management can control. Just something H&M should change. I can’t imagine how terrible it would have ended had I not been clothed, or even worse if this happened to a child.”