Bethel Baptist Church
Churches & Places of Worship
160 Co Rd 1521, Carthage TX 75633
Most Recent Reviews
February 2023
Great place to hear the word of God, beautiful building and nice,warm people
August 2019
Gave my testimony here today as a guest speaker attended Sunday school class good teacher fine people to visit with will go back to visit and if Lord willing be able to give a sermon someday they have some very talented Christian ladies that are great singers thank you for inviting me
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About Bethel Baptist Church
At Bethel, we don’t care how you’re dressed, what car you drive, or what candidate you voted for. We’re a church full of broken, imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable. Sundays are when we gather together to grow and give of what we have, but our lives consist of much more than attending church on Sunday. Please join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am in person or live stream. Learn more about Bethel Baptist Church by visiting our web page.
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