Patriot Refinish Solutions
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts,
201 Loy St A, Burleson TX 76028
Most Recent Reviews
February 2023
Do not do business with this shady guy. Not trustworthy at all!
February 2023
If I could give this business negative stars I would. I ordered paint, clear, and primer. Got invoiced and then never received materials, but then was confronted by a shady looking guy demanding payment. I've never had the urge to grab my pistol so much in my life.
February 2023
This place is shady, don't do business with them. Definitely not a place you want to employ for your shop.
More Comments(12)
About Patriot Refinish Solutions
Patriot Refinish Solutions is a Texas based company committed to providing the best prices to business and personal consumers when it comes to automotive and industrial painting and refinishing. We take pride in our customer service and have been supplying local body shops and industrial companies for over a decade. Please visit our website or give us a call for any questions regarding our products and services!
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