Brookshire Truck Stop
Auto Repair,
Gas StationsHours:
213 Waller Ave, Brookshire TX 77423 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
August 2024
Soooooo nice at fuel counter and at food counter and why do I try pilot at this hour anyway, $20 to park, drive slow, I can walk across street to shower ?.
December 2023
20.00 dollars for parking!! Who charges 20 dollars for overnight parking.....
October 2023
Parking lot is horrible and they want $20 for parking! There's no signs that state this either so if you do try to park here and don't know this, they will bang on your truck with a flash light until you wake up.
More Comments(36)
About Brookshire Truck Stop
Mini Mart; Fried Chicken; deli/pizza; overnight parking; ATM; restrooms; prepaid calling cards; oil & fuel treatments; payphone; gallon Oil & DEF. Denny's close by. Executive Inn Motel adjacent (additional unpaved truck parking at motel - call 1st for availability) Exxon fuel available Major Roads: IH10; FM359 Freeway_Exit: I-10 Exit 732 Access Directions: I-10 Exit 732 / TX359 / Brookshire, north on FM359/Waller Avenue, entrance on right. This Mini-Stop has 24 hour operations. Fuel Desk: 24/7
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