“We order from the grill about once a week. BEST old fashion hamburgers!! The people that work there are super friendly and I’m so happy our little community has Bluff Dale Country Store”
“I notice Ppl say they don’t care about ppl in the drive threw I’ve been going to this store since 2016 and still do in 2023. The way the drive threw works is the employee is trained to help customers in store 1st then the drive threw the policy is not to rotate in store and drive threw cause it’s not fast food. My entire time going here one lady was rude to me on the drive threw ever and it was someone filling in from another store, she said I couldn’t get a drink for my toddler because drove threw was for cigs and beer, I begged her to not make me wake up my son and just sell me the drink one time and she did but bottom line is they do care about the drive threw the actual workers in the store do.when my son still took naps I would use the drive threw everyday and honestly they would run around the store grabbing me anything I wanted because they understand it’s not super easy to wake up a child and take than in the store at certain times! Anyway this store is awesome everyone is so nice they go all out on Halloween decor, the store is clean staff is friendly and products are wonderful I do wish the prices were cheaper but I think it’s just a small town thing! If you are in a hurry go inside the store if you are not in a hurry but have reasons you don’t want to get out use the drive threw they will help you and treat you with respect”
4:29AM - 12AM
8315 US-377, Tolar“Sat down to eat and had a really good burger and some really good crinkle cut fries, with an ice cold Dr Pepper. In a town with not many choices- it's actually a pretty damn good option. Get a double meat with cheese, jalapeño, bacon and all the veggies. Can't go wrong. They make it to order, so everything is fresh and hot when it comes out to you.”
“There's Top Tier gas and diesel available, but they've got the best absolutely huge cheeseburgers cooked to order in their restaurant inside! Highly recommend grabbing one!”