March 2024 by Vianca Montes De Oca
My son got bullied here.They would always pick on himOnce one of the people who worked there even mentioned he’s a certain way because of his ethnicity… this place shows many red flags
January 2024 by Eleece Moore
Over all a very good daycare. The best daycare my kids attended to so far. Very welcoming. They make sure your kiddos are clean and fed and educated. I’m very pleased with everyone. Thank you so much
January 2024 by Eboni Hicks
Do not enroll your children here! In the time that I’ve have my child enrolled here (7months) in this time my child has experienced multiple illnesses not indicative to general childhood illnesses. In less than 7 months my child has contracted roseola, 2 different strains of hand foot and mouth, herpes simplex 2, as well as viral stomach flus and colds. Aside from this I have experienced this location requiring payment for services they do not intend to render. Prime example they are close for Christmas Day and they are using the Friday going into the new year weekend to close as well however they are closing at 2:30 on Thursday for a staff holiday party which leaves them only able to accommodate 2.5 days of the week. They will still require you to pay full time knowing they cannot even accommodate the party time kids they have registered. They are extraordinarily unstable with staff in the 2 year old room as their revolving door is disproportionate when it comes to solid help. I have never had a chance to learn the name of my child’s teacher because it has changed as well as his room from what seems like week to week. This location is beautiful the amenities are extremely convincing! But make no mistake! When you have an owner like Ms. Gupta that’s chooses to invest in amenities over anything else! You and your children are bound to receive diluted care because there are no funds left to assume QUALITY CARE! Don’t let the pretty place fool you. Steer clear of TLC schools on green oaks and that’s coming from a mother that allowed her child to attend as well as a mother that had her own licensed day care at from 2010-2014 they got more that a benefit of the doubt from me and what I listed here only scratches the service of the issues me and my 1 year old experienced at TLC. I hope this helps you in your decision making.
September 2023 by Kisha Brock
Yes I had a pleasure meeting one of the staff Adrianne. After there was a misunderstanding of my son attending the school(with administration) Ms Adrienne was able to give me important information and walk me through the process of setting my son up hisonline account. She was knowledgeable, understanding, and most of all very patient with me because I was so upset. Thanks to her I was able to walk out the establishment knowing my child will be safe and in good hands.
August 2023 by Janae G.
Luckily i didnt have the opportunity to enroll my son here. But i had a pretty distasteful experience. I went in for a tour and was given more of a recommendation to go elsewhere. My son is 18 months. I explained to who i believe is the director that my son has been home with me since i work from home. He isnt used to being with other people. He is also being evaluated to see if hes on the spectrum. He doesnt have behavioral issue, just gets overwhelmed with a lot of noise and people. She informed me she felt its best i start him elsewhere with a lower ratio of kid to teacher so my son would have more one on one time. When trying to explain, she cut me off and let me know that if he does start at their facility they will give him a 15 day trial and if he doesnt show improvement that they can discharge him at their own discretion. I have NEVER heard of this from a daycare and i have an older child that went to daycare. I felt dismissed and unheard. I asked so basically youre saying my son isnt ready for your daycare and she said she recommends we go else where. We never got a tour. She never introduced herself. Never left her seat. You can tell that they do not care for the children AT ALL. instead of having patience with my child and giving him a chance, she dismissed him before even knowing the full picture. After my small conversation with her i decided shes right. My son would be better off elsewhere.
August 2023 by Jhonatan Pacheco
Amazing place. They truly show me every day how much they care/love for my girl.Thank you
August 2023 by Zhoniche Shirley
My son(3) just started here and he loves Ms. Adrianne! She built a connection with him right a way and is very understanding and patient. Her classroom is creative and inspiring for all. I'm glad I chose this center for my son! Here he is not just being "watched", he is learning and engaged. He is ready for daycare every morning!
August 2023 by keke 10783
I loveed this place in the beginning. Everyone from Ms Lana to miss Adrianne to the rest of the staff have been awesome. My son has improved in his speech and my daughter was even reciting her ABCs.But Everything has changed today.I had some family visiting me from out of town for the week. I told one of my family members the name of the daycare that my kids attend. And without my knowledge they showed up to the daycare and picked up both of my children. I went to the daycare to get some answers and all I received was excuses From Miss Gupta ;The owner of the daycare.She was there today instead of Ms Lana. Who usually man's the lobby. Miss Gupta is the one that allowed a person, that to her and the whole staff is a complete stranger, to take my son. Not only that. But then offered the stranger my other child to take. And Miss Gupta KNEW this person was not authorized to take my children. I have no one other than myself and my husband, (whom she has met) to pick up our children. And she even admitted to me that she knew this person was NOT authorized. But because my son seem to like The Stranger, she let them leave. The worst part about the story for me Isn't the fact that security protocol wasn't executed properly. It's the fact that Miss Gupta did not admit responsibility for my children or her error in the entire situation. Even though she admitted to walking off and leaving The Stranger to walk out with my kids. She would only blame the stranger. It's like she doesn't understand that it's her responsibility to make sure her daycare is safe.
August 2023 by Lissey Loo
PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL YOUR KIDS HEREI decided to stop by TLC schools to check on my niece and nephew. I have never been to their daycare center before so no one knows me.I wanted to see what they were learning and what the environment they were in was like. When I arrived I rang the doorbell, the owner Miss Gupta answered did not ask who I was but said hello and welcomed me inside. She asked if I had children enrolled I told her no that I just wanted to look around. Speaking over me she asked if I was picking up I paused and told her yeah she asked for the name of the parent that I was picking up for i gave her my sister's name. My nephew saw me and came running to hug me at that point Miss gupta began walking away I assume to go to her office. Knowing she did not know who I was caused me great concern that she was comfortable not checking with my sister for confirmation on who I was. Not even checking for my ID or even asking my name before leaving me alone with my nephew. As she was walking away I asked her if I needed to sign anything or if I could be added to the authorized pick up list to take him. She told me that they do not do that and that they do not have a list... The insanity. I said ok and she left us alone in the front room. I went to check out his classroom and grab his backpack. Since I'd never been here before I did not know what room my niece was in. I looked in one of the the windows to a classroom to see if she was inside not even a minute passed before the teacher opened the door saw me with my nephew and grabbed my niece she didn't ask me her name or even mine. I asked her for her backpack and the woman said she keeps the backpack.... She said "her mother only picks up the backpack on Fridays. It's just spare clothes" I told her okay and she shut the door. Appalled and disgusted with the lack of safety and security my little angels had been subjected to I put my babies in the car and called my sister to tell her what happened. I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible that my niece's teacher would rather keep a backpack safe than my niece! She didn't confirm who I was or ask my name I didn't even have to ask for her she saw her brother and handed her over.PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL YOUR CHILDREN HEREthey will not be safe. anyone could walk in claiming to be you, family or someone you know they will not do their due diligence to ensure your babies safety. I'm grateful to God that I stopped by and not someone with intent to harm.
August 2023 by Tyeesha
0/10. I do not recommend this daycare to anyone who needs their kids cared for. Their communication skills amongst the parents are horrible. The staff is very unprofessional. They will not give you a heads up that your kid will no longer be able to come back due to understaffing, when that should have been communicated prior to even starting the daycare. This is not a daycare you would want to bring your kid to if you have no flexibility in your job or can’t afford not to work because of the place you send you child may potentially drop them without any warning.Also, please do not try to pretend like a concern is being looked at in the center when a review is being wrote.
August 2023 by JocelynLakeya
I would like to start by saying that this is not a review about bashing TLC Schools on Green Oaks. This is a review about my experience with TLC Schools and how my nephew and I were treated while in attendance at this daycare. I am a foster mom to my 2-year-old nephew, and he started at TLC on May 22nd, 2023. He was unenrolled from TLC on 8/11/2023 (TODAY) without any notice, “due to having many staff out over the next few weeks”. I received a message via the communication portal informing me that the care for my child would be ending effective 8/11/2023. They did not have the decency to call me or give me a heads up about the situation. When I arrived to pick him up, I asked Lana if she cared to explain what was going on. Lana informed me and another parent that was present for the same reason, that she did not make this decision and she didn’t know why. Only one part of her statement was true, she had nothing to do with the decision that was made, but she knew exactly the reason that he was chosen to be unenrolled. Keep in mind that OPEN HOUSE for TLC was on July 31st. This is a case of discrimination at its finest. My nephew’s care is ending so there is room for a newcomer who is likely easier to manage. The director Vandana Gupta from the very start, never wanted my nephew to join the TLC family, because he is a foster child involved in a CPS case and she was afraid that CCMS would delay payments. She told me about an experience where she did not get paid for two months because of CPS and why she did not like accepting children with CPS cases. She told me that she would give us a 15-day trial period to see how things go. After the 15days was up Vandana never reached out to me, so I assumed that we passed the trail period. A couple of weeks later my nephew’s teacher messaged me about a behavioral issue, nothing major just the typical two-year-old tantrums and melt downs. First, I apologized about the behavior, and asked for suggestions, none where given. I continued to work with him at home concerning his tantrums and working on expressing himself without getting overwhelmed. The feedback from his teacher changed and he started to have better days. A couple of weeks later I get a phone call from the director. She wanted to discuss my nephew’s behavior because he had major melt down during nap time because he didn’t want to nap. During the conversation she told me that he was very aggressive, and he doesn’t listen well. She also insinuated that he needed a type of care that they do not provide, and I should find him another center to attend. When I spoke with his teacher’s assistant she told a slightly different story, about the meltdown during nap time. She made me feel like it was not a big deal and she had it under control. I totally believed her because I can tell she loves children and she cared about my nephew. Now here we are current day, my nephew has basically been discarded from a place that he has grown to love and people that he has grown to love. He gets up every morning and puts on his shoes and stands by the front door waiting for me to take him to play with his friends. I’m hurt by the decision that was made and even more so for the reasoning behind it. He is a child that is still learning to communicate with words and signing, his tantrums start with him not being able to express himself and have his needs met. I’m sad that TLC gave up on him so quickly.This place is not all bad, Lana is amazing. She has great communication skills, and she is very transparent. Lana should be the director. The other staff at TLC are ok. I really don’t have any issues with them. I can tell that they are more like babysitters rather than educators. Keep in mind that if you enroll your child here Lana is not the only person that you must deal with, the director Vandana is a pain. She is not friendly, and her listening skills are not that great. She will talk over you and say things to provoke you. It’s her way of finding a reason to drop your child. I have more to say but I'll stop here. God Bless!
August 2023 by Kaitlyn Bradley
This daycare is the best! I went there as a child, so I knew exactly where I wanted my kids to go. My son talks about his teacher miss Adrianne all the time! My kids love it there and so do I!!
August 2023 by Jay Lafaye
My nephew was just kicked out for no reason & I knew it was only a matter of time because they never wanted him there from the start. When he was first enrolled I was there picking him up & doing drop offs, from the START the director didn’t want him there because of his CPS case. I already know that is the reason she singled him out to be kicked out of the daycare. They would always tell us about his tantrums & in the same beat another kid in the class would start throwing a tantrum so I never understood why his was such a big deal. Within in first week there he was bitten by another kid & nothing was done about it, that wasn’t that kid’s first time biting someone but they haven’t been kicked out yet. it’s giving very much discrimination.
August 2023 by Niah Musgrove
My nephew was recently kicked out of TLC with no warning. I sometimes would drop him off and pick him up. The ladies at the front desk always greeted me. If the director opened the door for me she never spoke or tried to be friendly with me. Instead she gave me strange looks, it really was on some weird judgmental stuff. The teacher for the twos classroom would tell me about my nephew’s tantrums when I picked him up. He does have tantrums but what two year old doesn’t. Literally most of the kids in his class has tantrums. I can tell that the teacher was overwhelmed and really didn’t want to deal with him. When she saw us coming. A couple of times I caught her rolling her eyes when she saw us coming or taking deep breaths. I’m not surprised that he was picked to be kicked out. They never wanted him there in the first place.
August 2023 by Emily Martinez
My daughter attends and we both love it! Great environment and teachers/staff that truly care. Nice and clean facility as well. Thank you TLC Schools!