May 2023 by Billie Urioste
Andrea's project is a wonderful addition to our community.We need more people to volunteer their time to raise awareness of Andrea's project . Good Bless us all and be safe always.
March 2023 by Joshke -
Andrea's Project does a lot towards bringing awareness to drinking and driving. Everyone here has amazing character and great hearts. Truly would recommend supporting.
February 2023 by Katrina Atkins
Andrea. Her family, and this project are very dear to my heart. Andrea was a light in the dark loved people completely for just who they were. I Uber to functions that will have alcohol. Because of this project. Thank you for protecting our youth. ❤️
February 2023 by Pina Fata
Andreas Project is a great solution to bringing awareness to underage drinking. David and his team do an excellent job of advocating for those beautiful souls who no longer have a voice. This project is inspiring and empowering to make a change in Amarillo and hopefully one day, globally. Keep up the great fight Andreas Project, you have an entire community behind you!
February 2023 by Tina Agan
I’m so pleased that Andreas Project is bringing awareness to the community about the consequence and devastation of drinking and driving! The team’s passion and commitment to making Amarillo and the surrounding areas safer deserves all the adulation of Amarilloans! Thank you David and America!
February 2023 by David Elizalde
Great organization that continues to make a difference in Amarillo and surrounding areas.. help stop underage age drinking and drinking and driving..Support Andrea’s Project!
February 2023 by Arely Gonzalez-Vega
Andreas project ? is pure love ; spreading awareness and bringing our community closer, making a difference in so many young people’s life's.#bethechange?
February 2023 by LaViza Matthews
Great place to get involved and put your hands and feet to make a difference!!
February 2023 by Diadria Robinson
This organization is helping with the societal problem of under-age drinking and driving so that no other families have to lose a loved one to drinking and driving.
February 2023 by Robert Saldana
Wonderful organization with it’s heart in the right place. All about saving lives.
February 2023 by Jeff Bara
Amazing organization that creates awareness on the dangers of drinking and driving.
February 2023 by Martin Birkenfeld
An amazing project that’s is changing culture and saving lives.