July 2024 by Bill Meehan
Great selection of outdoor gear. Lots of options for fishing equipment. Ammunition offers a wide variety of selections.
Wish the greeter wasn't hawking membership/credit cards.
July 2024 by A. Barnes
Amazing and clean. Staff was friendly also.
July 2024 by Roy Betncourt
Nice place good people
July 2024 by J. Scott Allen (DadofSix)
Great selection and the staff is extremely helpful at 9am ;-)
July 2024 by Bill Mason
They have a very large assortment of everything.
June 2024 by Korosh Madhi
Just visited this location for fix my crossbow on front door employees are very rude did let me come inside to talk to technician about my repair. Definitely need talk to manager in charge but they refuse to give the number
June 2024 by Rob Greene
This is a flagship of Sports and Outdoors stores. Expansive space with an expansive range of merchandise.
For firearms enthusiasts they have one of the best stocked showrooms that you will find with the "Gun Library" , and in my experience the staff are very knowledgeable and very patient, and will take as long as you want to hold an inspect various pieces.
Academy has more limited selections and occasional deals for new firearms, so I always compare prices before purchasing, but for the overall experience Cabela's is a fantastic asset to add into the fold.
One of my go-to locations for sporting goods.
When it comes to spring good stores you don't get bigger it better than this. They carry a wide selection of gear, wide selection of brands, in a very large store (150,000 sf perhaps). For some really niche sporting needs you might need to seek out specialty store, considering SCUBA, climbing, snow skiing. This is always my first stop however.
The gun library is a regular go to for me at all Cabela's. Very knowledge and friendly staff. While there is a typical counter area for nnew firearms the library is a "hands on" experience and features make high end and used pieces. Very well stocked across a range of categories: shotguns, hunting rifles, precision shooting, militaria, pistols, revolvers, special editions, etc.
A few times a year a 10% sale is offered and with a "first responder" 5% discount you can usually get 15% off. For firearms getting such a deep discount is uncommon. Occasionally the discount is offered if you use the Cabela's Members Club (Cabela's Capital One credit card) and other times is a discount on all used firearms. Another pro tip - you can search online and call to purchase firearms from any Cabela's nationally and for no charge they will ship to your local Cabela's where you can inspect and either accept or refuse the piece. Especially during the 10% sales start looking nationally through the website. I have acquired some remarkable pieces and remarkable deals this way. You also can have them ship to an FFL you designate (unsure what fees you would incur that way).
I get around to many of the Texas Cabela's and this Allen Store is I one of my favorites. The gun counter and gun library staff are fantastic. Stop by and ask for the gum library manager, Jon, and tell him Rob sent ya. Exceedingly knowledgeable and friendly.
June 2024 by george eysrick
Found the perfect boat on their website... (was at another dealer, but was assured that I could buy here with no issue)
Got detailed quote... (base price more than online, options price less, so about the same, was marked down about 5k as previous year model) Acceptable price for what I wanted and in my budget.
Went into store, applied for credit, put deposit down on boat. Super excited about my new boat!
2 hrs later manager calls me and says that it will be 1800 more because of some mistake (almost positive he wanted to charge me 2x for trailer upgrade, but not sure...he was super nice and apologetic about it, but I put in effort to purchase based on price quoted... (manager and different sales person were there when I was out application, purchase order...and no one caught the "mistake")
Anyway, I will never step into a Cabelas/Bass Pro again... lots of other boat dealers (will add pictures and longer description with more details if this company tries to sugarcoat issue)
Edit... posted pic of brand new Lowe boat I bought at a lot better value than one I almost bought from you... my little girl loves it...
I am not going to email you guys again like you posted in your response.... Talk to your allen tx boat shop... they have all my contact info after I filled out credit app and put deposit on boat... feel free to reach out to me... I am telling everyone that I talk to about my bad experience....
June 2024 by Richard Rhodes
Enjoy going there so much I have to get my wife's permission to go. She says I always find something that I can't do without.
June 2024 by Stacey Ho
Delores in the shoe department was delightful. She helped me pick out flat sandals that I just love and got me the correct size. Service with a smile.
June 2024 by Luis Soto
Place is great, just a but annoying to be offered a credit card every visit.
June 2024 by R. B. (Lem Bro)
This massive store is very well stocked with outdoor sporting goods including boats. I saw belt sizes as large as 56 inches! Cabela's has a counter that issues sporting licences.
June 2024 by HeyMyMuffin
Sold me a defective shotgun. Their policy states that they are not responsible for any of their firearms after sale. They won't repair it, refund the sale, nor will they contact the manufacturer. I purchased a rock island lion tactical semi auto shotgun, and could not fire a single round due to the firing pin not hitting the primer. Luckily, I discovered my shotgun was defective at a gun range, rather than in a life or death situation. Shame on you, Cabelas, there needs to be some serious changes in your firearm sales policies!
June 2024 by Tony Zambino
Prices to high
June 2024 by Terri Alexander (Realtor Terri)
Cool as all get out. A wee pricy, but cool!