November 2021 by Suzanne Farmer
The owner would not call back for over 2 weeks left us hanging then calls and says it's been rented. Good luck!
November 2020 by Charles Fletcher
We got a lease here been here over a month shawn the owner is super nice and friendly
November 2019 by Macey Horne
Nice RV park
November 2019 by Mark Greene
Hard to get in and out of for disabled folks , bad parking lot ...
November 2019 by Anthony Eldridge
Man that manages lies. Needs fired
November 2019 by Jeannette Merrill
Dirty rotten leaving owner
November 2018 by Some1's Son
There's not a level spot in the whole park. Good luck getting water and waste in septic because your hoses have to be rigged to go uphill. Sign a year lease but leave your camper. They don't want you to actually be there. They just want your money. Several stray dogs running around.
November 2018 by Sam McCracken
They do not want full time people. Leave ur camper and then leave .
November 2018 by Rock 130
Nice RV park.
November 2017 by Gary Parker
Never. Been. There may. Have. Rode. By. It. Sometime. Going across the. Mountain pitchers. Look. Nice. Rates. Seem. Reasonable. Would. Like. To. Go. Check it. Out. Sometime I. Live. In. Morrisrown. And they. Sure. Isn't. No. Country. Left. Over. Here no. More! If it. Is. Like. Flat gap. And. Tread way. U. Want. Find a more. Beautiful. Peaceful. Place. Maybe. ONE of. These. Days I. Might. Go. Check it. OUT. Maybe. Even rent. A. Rv. Lot. There. Because. It. Is. Kindly. Cheap and. I'm. Sure. It's. Peaceful. A. Beautiful. That's. All. I ever. Be. Able. To. Afford! I. Would. Love. To. Live. In. That. Neck. Of. The. Woods if. I. Got a. Check. In the mailbox. Not. Many places. To. Work. Over were my. Dad. Was. Born! If. U. Want. Peace. And. Beautiful .mountains. around. U. This. Is. The. Place. To. Be. If. It. Is. Like. All. The. Country. Surrounding. It! Cheers. To. The. Owners. For. Making. A. Great. Place. For. People. To. GET out. Of. The city. And. Enjoy. Nature.
November 2013 by Gary Lawson
100% Full time people.