June 2023 by Al Roberts
Lottery ticket and C Store. Toilet out of order, probably has been for a looooong time
October 2022 by Fidel Yslas
Smoked tenderloin biscuit is absolutely delicious. 5 ?????
October 2021 by ASHLEY DYAN
Nice owner.
October 2021 by grant taskerud
My first gas card was a Marathon card my dad gave me for emergencies when I moved to California at 22 years old. I returned the card 3 years later. I eventually missed to Tennessee after 26 years in Beautiful California. Thanks for the support dad. Rip. He also restored this Volkswagon van for my trip. He was a great Father. Teacher. And regular customer of Marathon gas station.
October 2020 by David Nease
Really nice first service
October 2020 by Arin Graves
Poor customer service
October 2018 by BenŽo996
Bunch of lil goodies for snack and prizes!