August 2023 by Pat Wisdom
They were right there after I was diagnosed with cancer, giving me support and answers to all the questions. I've found them to be the most caring group of people I've ever met and I don't know what I would have done without them.
January 2022 by Ruth Kittle
I'm learning so much I never knew I didn't know. Grieving is breath Takingly hard but I didn't know that watching someone grieve is harder. Seeing the children's lost look in their eyes When they talk about their grandfather Cripples me.I didn't know you can experience the loss multiple times A-day. Sometimes when you're trying to be normal you literally wonder why everyone around you can't see the pain you feel that Is literally pouring off of you. I didn't know I'd have to relearn so many things. Taking out the trash. Seems simple enough. It's not though. Keeping the basement area clean. Now that should not be hard but it's the hardest part of all so far. Mostly because that was his spot and it's hard for me to be down there. The children's toys are never picked up Out of the driveway now. I even had to move the towels to a lower shelf Because I can't reach them. My husband's no longer here to hand me one. Plunging the toilet... I never knew how much Strength that took. Simply sleeping. How do you sleep when there's no one there to say good night. Waking up is a nightmare. You turn to his side of the bed every single morning And several times through the night Each and every time your heart Just Cries. It's like i just lost him every time. Even driving gets harder. I'm constantly wondering why he hasn't checked in Only to remember that I lost him.I'm learning that words don't mean anything any more. You actually lose your ability to understand what people are saying. Everything just sounds like blah blah blah. It's so painful to talk to people that I look at them and shake my head I just pretend to comprehend, It's just easier. It seems to work for the most part. I am so lost right now. I don't know how to Move forward. Mostly I don't want to. I still need him.
August 2020 by Charity Wampler
So very helpful from valet parking to housekeeping. Really care about you.