Hometown Car Care

Auto Repair
3 Brown Annex, Seneca SC 29678


Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
8:30AM - 7:30PM
8:30AM - 7:30PM

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From Hometown Car Care

At hometown car care we care about your vehicle, and even more so for our customers! That’s why we offer 24hr emergency auto repair services! We offer everything from a basic oil change to radical one off custom built cars including but not limited to things like LS engine swaps. Anyone of our skilled automotive technicians can quickly and correctly diagnose any issue you may be having with your vehicle. If it doesn’t already sound like we are a shop like nobody else, aside from our personal shop location lots of issues instances we can come directly to you and make your repairs on the spot, need a ride to work or to just run errands we are your guys once again, we take care of our customers on a level never seen before here in the upstate!

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