“My wife and I stopped in while riding North from Surfside trying our hardest to escape a rain storm. We were welcomed like family and spent aprox. 2hrs chatting and drinking with the regulars. Took hiding from a storm and turned it into the best experience possible. Note... You must be a member to use a VFW but all active military are considered members you just have to show your ID.”
“As an Arizona transplant from a great post, post 61 in Avondale to Myrtle Beach, I was looking for the same as what I had at post 61. Inviting, friendly, a reason to come back. My initial transfer was to post 178 in Murrells inlet, as I understood it to be a 4.5 rated post. The barmaid took my transfer paper and gave it to the commander who was having dinner at the bar about 15 feet away. I wished not to interrupt his dinner, so I stayed put. The barmaid pointed me out as a new transfer, after he finished his dinner, he left. Never bothered to say welcome here. They were nice enough members, but never felt comfortable beyond the person sitting next to me. After about a dozen visits to post 178, I still felt like an outsider. I then heard about Post 186, after a few hours at post 186, I transferred!! This is the place I have been searching for!! The very first day I met numerous members who then introduced me to more members. The members, the food, the Entertaiment, are all above other post that I have either been to or belonged to. This post fulfills every want that I had. I have been back to post 186 at least 1/2 dozens in the last week and a half, and each time it's better than the last.To the members I have met and their spouses, thank you for making me feel at home!”
“Puppy love lives here.The staff is amazing, loving and helpful. Makes one feel good in order to adopt a rescue animal. Plenty to choose from. Wish them nothing but blessings with the new building fundraiser-the current one is kind of rundown.”