January 2024 by mikebloo81
Fast paste and friendly people. You’ll need two straps though or at least I did.
October 2023 by Martin Nikolov
Nice people, very helpful and polite. They loaded my refer the way i asked without any problems, answered my questions, and did the job fast. Great business
September 2023 by K K
Just use the space you have to make the turn in there. Very nice people. From arrival time to leaving was 30 minutes and I was hours early for my appointment. The only complaint I have is the trees going out the exit scratched up my truck and trailer. They need to be cut back.
July 2023 by johnny Q
Awesome people very friendly and informative. Unloaded pretty quickly even though I was way early. As stated in other reviews very tight drive off Durant Avenue. I would advise stopping on PigglyWiggle and moving you tandems all the way forward.
July 2023 by Jeremy Shirah
U can see a dirt area on the left as you turn in. Use that to swing out to get into the facility. You will need all that room to swing into the narrow entrance. In and delivered in less than 30 min. Restroom available inside to the left
October 2022 by Ahmed Yusuf
Entry is little tight, overnight parking and unloading is quick
September 2022 by miguel angel
Fast unloading ..tie entrance.But good place overall
June 2022 by StarSeed
The right turn into the parking lot is SUPER tight, you need to be on the left side of the road BEFORE you get to the turn. You check in by the first dock. I was loaded in under an hour. Of you're picking up a Home Depot load, you're required to sign "driver counted" for that reason I chose to count. The employees were all nice and the maneuver room for backing was surprisingly plentiful. You exit out the back to the right and then turn right onto the main road. I will continue to service this location.
August 2021 by Soli fuzaylov
Very nice people, quickly unloaded and there is overnight parking.
May 2021 by Bad Mother Trucker
Tight spot but they were nice and tried to be quick unloading me
March 2020 by Gavy paul
Overnight parking yes ??