April 2017 by Tessa Cares
STAY FAR AWAY FROM PREFERRED CARE PHARMACY IN HOLLYWOOD, SC!!!! SCAMS (bill insurance company for medication one never authorized, signed for or received) UNAWARE INDIVIDUALS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!! This place WILL bill an insurance company for a medication that one did not authorize, sign for or receive. Again, they WILL bill an insurance company for medication that an individual did not request, authorize, sign for or receive!!!!! My insurance company was billed for a very expensive medication that I NEVER had in my possession or signed for and they sent me a bill for the co-pay!!!!!! You will NEVER receive a dime from me. That's a PROMISE!!!! For the record this place was NEVER my pharmacy and NEVER will be. It is just another "stunt" that shows how "sketchy" a "mom and pop" pharmacy and "professionals" could be - sooooooo close to insurance fraud it isn't funny! This place provides medication for "residential and assisted living facilities". I've NEVER resided is an assisted living facility, yet one lies and milks an insurance company! Shame on both companies!!! CVS IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE MY PHARMACY. IF ANOTHER BILL COMES MY WAY YOU WILL SEE ME COURT! STAY FAR AWAY FROM Preferred Care Pharmacy or monitor your bill and insurance statements VERY carefully!!! They are NOT honest!