October 2023 by Nick R
If the definition of I hate my job was a person, it’s the lady with the curly hair that works here. Not so much the older lady but she’s not the best either. They guys main job is to gossip in the back. Doesn’t matter when you go here they are in the back talking about everything else except work and sipping coffee. They will see you and just continue until they get their point across, then they’ll come out front with no greeting. This lady is miserable and just mean. She will give you a hard time about taping your package and even the way your envelope is sealed. On several occasions she’s been rude to me and I’ve witnessed to other customers as well. This is some of the worst customer service you will receive, and in fact they will make you feel like you are bothering them. Unfortunately for them I will keep going there and interrupting their personal conversations and inconveniencing them with stamp requests along with other basic postal needs. Hopefully the post office one day looks into this and discovers that these are some of the worst employees, either that or they find another line of work where they don’t project their misery on paying customers.
August 2023 by Rokhaya Diagne
When usps , instead of delivering at an apt 27 Gillen Av make mistake and deliver to a house 27 Gillen street ( saying that it was left at a garage door) , USPS need to make it right. A $715 order !!!We filed many complaints...this is b.s.
July 2023 by Kamyla DeOliveira
I don't think any of the workers here is friendly but "Katt" takes the cake. Rude as it gets. No customer service skills whatsoever.
April 2023 by Lindsey Anthony
Worst location! The clerk was extremely unhelpful. I was sending an Amazon package back and she made it more difficult then it needed to be.
April 2023 by Antonio S Esposito
United States Postal Service (USPS) makes it very easy to ship packages out of state. Good shipping rates too.
December 2022 by K B
I came in the other day & it was about 10 minutes to close so I knew I was cutting it close with possibly getting helped in time (this was the only time I was able to get there). Let me tell you - Kathleen was HOLDING IT DOWN! This woman had a line of about 13-15 people deep with a million packages getting sent all over the place for the upcoming holidays. She was able to help all the people in front of me, myself, and the lady behind me all within that last 10 minutes of her store hours all while keeping her cool! She's a rockstar & I'm happy to know I have a great post office team in my new neighborhood, thank you!
December 2022 by Kelly B
I came in the other day & it was about 10 minutes to close so I knew I was cutting it close with possibly getting helped in time (this was the only time I was able to get there). Let me tell you - Kathleen was HOLDING IT DOWN! This woman had a line of about 13-15 people deep with a million packages getting sent all over the place for the upcoming holidays. She was able to help all the people in front of me, myself, and the lady behind me all within that last 10 minutes of her store hours all while keeping her cool! She's a rockstar & I'm happy to know I have a great post office team in my new neighborhood, thank you!
August 2022 by TylaaX31
(From My Experience) Very Nice, Friendly Staff!!! And They Help You In Any Way They Can With Any Question You May Have Regarding The Services At The Post Office.
June 2022 by Chris Knighton
Always have a good experience at this post office. Helpful and friendly staff. Easy on-site parking lot. As a frequent package shipper, they get the job done for me without hassle! Thank you USPS!
June 2022 by Chris Knighton, Running Coach
Always have a good experience at this post office. Helpful and friendly staff. Easy on-site parking lot. As a frequent package shipper, they get the job done for me without hassle! Thank you USPS!
December 2021 by A R
Kathleen is such a joy. She is very patient and understanding to your needs. She is very informative and always is smiling.She has great customer service skills and is an asset to the USPS. Keep up the great work Kathleen and THANK YOU for what you do.
May 2021 by Elizabeth Horan
Always a pleasant experience
April 2021 by Karen Dougherty
My name is Steve L. I have lived in north providence for 25 years. Trish and all the staff at The Centerdsle Post Office have gone above and beyond to assist me personally and for my business. When I am there I am treated more like family. To Trish and staff Thanks for all you do
April 2021 by lindaleeLv2Bk
I recently moved to Providence and started going to the N. Providence USPS as it has a decent-sized parking lot and I ship out a lot of Media Mail packages for my small business. I also have a sister who has worked for the USPS for decades, and so I'm well aware of the stresses and strains of working for this organization.However, I must say that the disrespect for customers that's routinely exhibited by Trish, who's usually, unfortunately, the clerk who most often services the front counter, is absolutely appalling.On my most recent visit of 3/30/21 at 4:15 p.m., Trish was alone at the counter and the line was long. As I and the other patrons waited patiently in line, Trish spent the entire 45 minutes shouting, "The door will be locked at 5:00! The Providence Post Office is open till 6:00!!"After Trish blurted this out a couple of times, the woman behind me said, "What does that mean?" I replied, "I think it means that just because we're in the building, it doesn't mean we'll be waited on." And that's exactly what it meant because at some point Trish yelled at a woman at the back of the line who had entered the Post Office about 20 minutes before closing time, "You! I can't take you!" or something to that effect. The woman spun around and quietly left the building.Moments later Trish shouts, "I'm not kidding! The door will be locked at 5!!"Seriously? On what planet is this type of service okay?At some point Trish tells a customer at the counter, "Someone called in today, so it's just me." Then to another customer she says, "I can't wait to see Google Reviews." Also unprofessional.On other visits when I've brought my Media Mail packages to the North Providence branch, Trish routinely questioned me as to what's inside. When I place my packages on the counter, I say, "Media Mail, no insurance." Trish says, "What's inside?" I reply, "Books." She says, "Are they notebooks?" I respond, "No. They're books."Same thing on another day when I return with my Media Mail packages. Trish asks, "What's inside?" I say, "Books." This time she asks, "Paper?" I say, "They're books."And it was like this for months until I one day approached the counter and said to Trish, "Media Mail. No insurance. Books. Not paper. Not notebooks. Books."I've shipped thousands of books -- my own books -- via the USPS for years. And up until now no one -- and I do mean no one -- has ever peppered me with questions whenever I've brought my Media Mail packages to the counter, including the wonderful clerks at the Barrington location where I used to live nor the male clerk who I sometimes see at the North Providence branch.This is yet another shining example of the type of treatment that Trish consistently doles out to patrons of the USPS. It's a far cry from what I've experienced at other branches, including Barrington, a tiny, busy location -- smaller than N. Providence, in fact, and yet manned by caring clerks who actually smile at customers -- and the various other Providence locations, all of which are staffed by clerks who perform their duties with professionalism, efficiency, and courtesy. Why the postmaster at this location isn't clued in to how Trish behaves is beyond me. The tall male clerk who has occasionally waited on me at the North Providence branch is friendly, fun, and courteous. I've yet to see even the shadow of a smile appear on Trish's face.We customers are merely trying to support our local Post Office. As such we should be treated with respect, not screamed at as we stand in line. Trish needs to be given a customer service refresher course if she's going to continue to service the front counter or be reassigned to the back of the operation and away from customers. Perhaps then we might be able to actually enjoy our v
April 2021 by Amber Jackson
I always get great service at this location. I do all the shipments for my business at this location. Trish is usually who I work with. She is always so kind and efficient.