Can't ever get anyone to answer the phone at this branch, the 800 number provided is out of service and there's a problem with my mortgage that I can't get addressedmortgagemmortgageaswithmortgage that I can't get addressed
December 2023
Always one teller on. I'm a business customer and was ignored standing in the business line. Why have a business only line if your not going to use it. Another time they shorted me money back. So always count your money as you should anyway.
December 2023
Bofa in general is one of the more greedy banks…they require $1500 balance to avoid fees…I only opened the bank account bc it’s almost impossible to pay a bofa credit card from a non-bofa bank…idk why people put up with their nonsense
We have taken proactive steps to enhance cleaning procedures to limit the risk of exposure, based on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, and follow local restrictions on the number of clients that can enter at one time. For these reasons and to best serve our clients, we may temporarily modify our hours. Please use our Mobile App or our website to check the hours and services available in your area.