Vargas Auto Services
Auto Repair891 Broadway, East Providence RI 02914 Hours
Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.
Most Recent Reviews
December 2022
His father he used to be a mechanic. He is back in 1986 is to be very good mechanic five stars mr Vargas he used to be very good person and good mechanicy now is his son another good mechanic and you can trust him he is honest person I’ll give you five stars
August 2024
He is relly good at what he does very good mechanic, i trust my cars at him
Good pricing too
November 2023
Wonderful customer service.The owner is willing to help anyway he can. He excels at what he does & I will always consult with him for my automotive needs.
More Comments(23)
About Vargas Auto Services
Quality Service For Over 30 Years! John C. Vargas, Proprietor
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