We saw Osprings mating in the air, walked the board walk, got to see whale bones and fish! Donated a really cool beaver skull for observation.. had a blast everyone was so welcoming!!
January 2023
Very nice natural history museum with lovely grounds. About a mile of trail and boardwalk
December 2022
Beautiful place for family. The hiking trail is easy and about 1 mile round trip.
From Audubon Society of Rhode Island Nature Center and Aquarium
The Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium is a natural history museum offering interactive exhibits that explore local habitats and wildlife found in the Ocean State. Visit with live Common Ravens and peek inside a 33-foot life-size model of a North Atlantic Right Whale!
Situated on the 28-acre Claire D. McIntosh Wildlife Refuge, ADA-certified walking trails start in upland meadows and wind to a ¼ mile boardwalk through fresh and saltwater marshes to a majestic view of Narragansett Bay. Located along the East Bay Bike Path, the trails allow bikers and walkers access to the refuge's natural beauty.
Trails/grounds open sunrise to sunset, daily.
No dogs allowed, please.
Owned and operated by the Audubon Society of Rhode Island.