April 2024 by therese gagnon
Très belle place dans la nuit pour te dépanner c'est trop chère
October 2023 by STEPHANE
Practical if you are missing a few products to help out but not to do your shopping for the week open 24/24 7/7
September 2023 by Carl
Le gars pas un salut ..scan le produit mais refais le prix a la main !!!
August 2023 by vererb vfvfbaefba
Poor convenience store ..... indicates that it is 24/24 .... and at 6 a.m. is closed
May 2023 by Stephen Dewolf
I've been in Montreal all week doing some 3rd party work for this organization. Just wanted to give somebody a heads up. This. Gentleman should not be employed in anywhere that involves customer service most rude disrespectful person and I understand he doesn't speak English but he understood that I need to use the bathroom in my travels and he told me to get the out. I tried to explain nicely to him what I was doing and show him pictures. He said the one word that he could speak english I don't care. Somebody might want to teach this man some manners and I'm not been here on work. I might have done it for you have a great day.
May 2023 by Carl Pedneault
(Translated by Google) The guy not a hello .. scan the product but redo the price by hand !!!(Original)Le gars pas un salut ..scan le produit mais refais le prix a la main !!!
April 2023 by Cynthia Hemond
(Translated by Google) The product was to be at $3.99 but to go to $4.99The cashier changes the price and tells me the amount.I tell him it's not legal, the product must be free.She didn't know how and seemed to insult my right to the law. Very disappointing. I go there almost every night. I'm going to change convenience store(Original)Le produit devait être à 3.99$ mais à passer à 4.99$$La caissière change le prix et me dit le montant.Je lui dit c'est pas légal, le produit doit être gratuit.Elle ne savait pas comment et semblait insulter par mon droit à la loi. Très décevant. Je vais la tout les soirs ou presque. Je vais changer de dépanneur
March 2023 by Olivier Gladu
(Translated by Google) The lady who works at night is not trained properly. She is not able to carry out her tasks and she is disrespectful. Terrible service. Only 1 employee in the morning at 5:00 despite the crowds.(Original)La dame qui travaille la nuit n'est pas formé adéquatement. Elle n'est pas en mesure de réaliser ses tâches et elle est irrespectueuse. Un service horrible. 1 seul employé le matin à 5h00 malgré l'affluence.
February 2022 by Kate Bourgeau
(Translated by Google) Very disappointing! It is EXTREMELY expensive ($2.50 for a bottle of water) and you never know if there will be any product left. In addition the last times I went there the toilets were not accessible. I won't be going back!(Original)Très décevant! C’est EXTRÊMEMENT cher (2,50$ pour une bouteille d’eau) et on sait jamais s’il va rester de tel ou tel produit. En plus les dernières fois que j’y suis allée les toilettes n’étaient pas accessibles. Je n’y retournerai pas!
March 2021 by pascal blais
(Translated by Google) Cloth masks are now prohibited !! And as a happy coincidence they sell 3-ply masks which are Legal in their establishment ?? An attempt to make money off the back of covid and completely unwarranted overzealousness. I boycott this store and tell everyone around me to do the same.(Original)Les masques de tissu sont désormais interdit !! Et comme un heureux hasard ils vendent des masques 3 plits qui eux sont Legal dans leur établissement ?? Une tentative de faire de l'argent sur le dos de la covid et un excès de zèle complètement injustifiée. Je boycott ce magasin et je dit à tout mon entourage de faire pareil.
January 2021 by Mario Savaria
(Translated by Google) Crossed the street gasoline with service, cheaper cigarettes, free air for tires. $ 2 more in your pocket. We ask for a 6/49 With extra we are harassed with questions want you this want that. Give me what I ask for, period. I am here to buy not to answer questions. If you are not happy with my purchases I will go elsewhere.(Original)Traversé la rue essence avec service, cigarettes moins cher, air pour les pneus gratuite. 2$ de plus dans votre poche. On demande un 6/49 Avec extra on se fait harceler avec des questions veut tu ci veut ça. Donne moi ce que je demande point final. Je suis là pour acheter pas pour répondre à des questions. Si tu n'est pas satisfait de mes achats je vais aller ailleurs.
December 2020 by Nathan Price
I lived a good experience with us because i loved mostly your Coca-Cola Freestyle machine with delicious Diet Barq, your personnel and your owner is friendly, nice and welcoming, i considered this place convenient, this place has good fuel and the prices is very affordable.
December 2020 by Doum Bergeron
(Translated by Google) It is a standard bieeeeeen station, without artifice, very clean, very modern, large parking, easy to access and ... telephone booth available!(Original)C'est une station bieeeeeen standard, sans artifice, toute propre, toute moderne, grand stationnement, facile d'accès et... cabine téléphonique disponible!
December 2020 by Kevin Blanchard
(Translated by Google) super dep its the only one left in the neighborhood(Original)super dep ses le seul qui reste dans cartier
December 2020 by Jacques Langlois
(Translated by Google) I go to bed late for coffee but no longer allowed to bring our cup. Since I have a cup, my coffee is cheaper and it's supposed to do the same. I mention to the clerk that I have a cup to get my discount he tells me it's lacrosse. I tell him I'm in my truck, it's not my fault that we can't use it. I just wanted to mention that I have more coffee in their cardboard glass than my cup. Thoughtful clerk keeps your comments in your head and not out loud. I didn’t tell you that you were cross-countryers because I have less coffee in my cup than your cardboard glass. Thank you(Original)Je me présente au couche tard pour un café mais plus le droit d’apporter notre tasse. Vue que j’ai une tasse mon café est moins cher et il son supposé faire le rabais pareil. Je mentionne au commis que j’ai une tasse pour avoir mon rabais il me dit c’est de la crosse. Je lui réponds que je l’es dans mon camion c’est pas de ma faute si on peut pas s’en servir. Je voulais juste mentionner que j’ai plus de café dans leur verre en carton que ma tasse. Réflection au commis garde t’es commentaire dans ta tête et non a voix haute.moi je t’es pas dis que vous étiez des crosseurs parce que j’ai moins de café dans ma tasse que ton verre de carton. Merci