Donnacona Honda
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts
159 Rue Commerciale, Donnacona QC G3M 1W2
Most Recent Comments
December 2023
My dealer for 4 years. Courteous service and friendly atmosphere. The staff is always very nice, friendly and smiling.
November 2023
I liked going there. I didn't like picking up the vehicle because the seller now tells me that the car had been in an accident but that's okay. I wanted to trust a Honda dealer but oh well. Plus it still has issues and the parts are BO. Going from Dodge grand Caravan to Honda Pilot was not a good choice.William G
September 2023
Great experience during the purchase, but the after-sales service was not receptive. Result, we consulted for the problems of one of the 2 vehicles elsewhere.
More Comments(32)
From Donnacona Honda
À seulement 20 minutes de Québec, offrez-vous le petit détour payant de Donnacona Honda! Notre concessionnaire Honda de Donnacona est fier de vous offrir la gamme remarquable des produits et services Honda dans la région, que ce soit pour l'achat d'un modèle Honda Civic, CR-V, Accord, Fit, Odyssey, Clarity hybride, Insight hybride ou d'une voiture d'occasion, le financement auto, des services mécaniques ou encore des pièces et accessoires Honda d'origine.
Jetez aussi un coup dil à notre sélection exclusive de Honda d'occasion à Donnacona près de Portneuf, Pont-Rouge et St-Augustin!
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