Providence provides the community with a source of fellowship and acceptance for any who enter. The worship on Sunday and the multitude of ministries provide endless opportunities for true growth in the Lord. It is a safe haven for anyone, wherever they are in their walk with God.
July 2022
Amazing church in West Chester. Providence has an incredible leadership team with sincere, compassionate hearts. That was evident to me the first time I came to a service. Such a great place to get involved and reach others for Christ. So grateful to have found a church home.
July 2022
Providence provides the community with a source of fellowship and acceptance for any who enter. The worship on Sunday’s and the multitude of ministries provide endless opportunities for true growth in the Lord. It is a safe haven for anyone at any place in his or her walk with God.
Providence Church exists for the glory of God. Our mission is leading people to grow in their faith, hope and love for Jesus Christ. All are welcome and invited! Sunday Service Times 9AM + 11AM Spanish Translation 11AM -- Providence Church existe para la gloria de Dios. Nuestra misión es llevar a las personas a crecer en su fe, esperanza y amor por Jesucristo. ¡Todos son bienvenidos e invitados! Domingo Horario de Servicio 9AM + 11AM Traducción al Español 11AM