April 2019 by jc daniels
I got rid of evenlink years ago,,their tech guys are terrible people,very rude,, I couldnt log into my email one day ,so I called evenlink, and the tech guy said to me, , I changed your password,,,,and I said why? and he said because you have emails from MSN forwarded to your evenlink email address,,,, ,I also have a MSN email account and I would sometimes forward emails from that account to my evenlink email address,,,So evenlink doesnt like that,, and they will change your password on you,,,if you get emails from other email accounts,,,,they are watching and reading your emails, So if they see anything in your emails that they dont like , They will change your password on you so you cant log in to your email account,,,,I dont care what problems evenlink has with MSN or email forwarding, , thats their problem not mine,,They have no right changing your email account password on you,