Service Center - Bergey's Mazda
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts
126 Narrows Rd, Larksville PA 18651
Most Recent Reviews
July 2020
Had to get my air conditioning checked out and Rick was a pleasure to speak to. He was nice and knowledgeable and made sure I knew what I was getting into before paying hundreds of dollars for something I don't necessarily need. It was fast, quick, and easy.
July 2019
Applied the Apple & Android Auto upgrade in my '18 CX-5. No complaints, job done as promised.
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About Service Center - Bergey's Mazda
We know that you work hard to keep your vehicle performing at its best. But when it comes time for you to get your car affixed with an oil change or a more extensive repair, make sure that you have access to a service center that'll go above and beyond your expectations. At Bergey's Mazda of Wilkes-Barre service center, no matter what type of lifestyle you lead, our trained professionals will quickly restore your automobile so that you can get back to tackling the roads.
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