Body Builders Collision & Auto Care

Auto Parts, Body Shops, Car Glass Repair
108 E Baltimore Ave, Lansdowne PA 19050


9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
11AM - 5PM
11AM - 5PM

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About Body Builders Collision & Auto Care

At Body Builders Collision we strive to make your experience seamless and hassle free. We know that automotive repair isn’t just about fixing cars, that’s why it is our top priority to not only deliver excellent results but to ensure that our customers have someone they can trust who will take care of you until you get back behind the wheel. We work with most major insurance companies to help make your experience simple and efficient. We offer painting, refinishing, metal repair, replacement, frame and unibody repair, as well as new and used tire services. We will help guide you through the process and make sure that your vehicle receives the best care that an auto body shop can offer.

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