November 2021 by deb kereczman
A welcoming congregation staying involved even during COVID- drive through communion, options for online worship, bible study, and back to in person opportunities for those desiring collaboration and warming smiles. Community Waystock concert, great food and fellowship, Trunk n’treat event for families, growing youth ministry and Grace Notes house band rocks at 11:00 Contemporary services. More traditional service at 9:30. All done with heart and a Pastor that reaches out to meet you where you are.
November 2021 by Lisa Melisa
Very welcoming. Fun activities. Awesome band. Fellowship time. Bible study, book group. Etc.
October 2020 by Erica
Beautiful facility. Sadly I attend another church and only get here to vote.
October 2020 by Peter
Great Church and sermons with friendly Christian's!
October 2020 by Judith Palmer
Wonderful music program, Celtic Christmas!
October 2020 by Shannon Donovan
It was awesome
September 2020 by Mr. Pete
Great Church and sermons with friendly Christian's!
September 2019 by Becky Wilson
Attended Waystock. What a wonderful day of music fellowship and food! Thank you Wayside! We had a great time!
September 2019 by robert slaseman
Know nothing about this church
September 2019 by Michael Wisniewski
Love it
September 2018 by Nora McGovern
Warm and welcoming! Fantastic, philosophical, dependable pastor. Great way to connect with the local community and many ways to serve. Impressed with the international connections and missions along with services provided to communities throughout the U.S. Members always smile and are ready to talk, but give you the space you need to develop/grow at your own speed.
September 2017 by Roger Cook
Friendly people. Great music. God is present in this church. You can feel it!