May 2024 by A Nonymous
I've been here many times and the preaching and worship is on fire. But the sound system is so loud during preaching, I get a headache everytime. I just wish it could be turned down a bit
January 2024 by Gladys Bosque
I have be Coming to ITLM Ministries for 24 YEAR'S now. Started in 2000. It wasn't because I wanted was because friends kept asking me to come to visit. After being asked so many times I decided to visit. It took just 1 time for me to realize I had to continue being here. I knew something was different and I never regret being a part of this church ever since. It's truly a life changer when I became "Saved", I never thought I actually was actually maybe stay a little but once you know your whole heart belongs to God it definitely changes your plans, As you know are plans are not are own, I immediately became involved in just about everything took classes and learned the more I learned the more I wanted more, I knew the Lord then had a plan for my life . After so many years I became a Minister here at itlm now going 3 years and Iam so grateful of being a part of such a great Church. People, staff just everything I like about this place. who would ever thought 24 yrs and more at this church. I had moved to another state but I'm still and will always be a part of this Church. When it says " A place that changes lives", Believe me I can witness this. I love My Pastors their wife and I'm so humble to be a part of In the Light Ministries. If you truly want to change your life , tired of being sick and tired then try this church you won't regret it. It Will change your life as It did mines. God Bless everyone!!!
April 2023 by Diane P
Well built church/attended a Repast there after funeral service. A friend Ministers there as well.
March 2023 by Manny Galan Vega
I love it it's my church
March 2023 by Esther Lincoln
This church has changed me, above and beyond respect for this church. I have turned away from god I still am working on having a ongoing relationship with him. Please continue to pray for me. It’s been rough.
March 2023 by Jacqueline Gomez
Love this Wonderful Church...the People are Great
March 2023 by Ted Martin
They can Sing the songs. They can preach the words. but they don't act on helping others in need. I will never forget what I had to deal with asking them for help.i was Stranded with a dead Battery and i called this Church for help. They turned me away as if i were some form of trash to them. Does the Good Book say Dont Turn your Brother away who needs help? Phoney worship here.
March 2023 by Cheryl
I am always so blessed by the worship and preaching of your Pastors. However, I would encourage you to address the delay before service online in terms of Livestream. You may have many people deciding not to wait for the service.
March 2023 by Doris Mercado
This is my home church
March 2022 by Jose Jimenez
Throughout this hard season of Covid, the pastors, staff and leaders are doing a great job in sharing the love of Jesus the people and community.
March 2022 by Delia I Audain
Awesome place, awesome people wonderful Pastors. Try.
August 2021 by Susie Lugo
It's a diverse Church
August 2021 by Dolly Mercado
I love my church & evri1 dat goes to it
August 2020 by Homestead Logistics
This is where I had my 1st encounter with God back in 2008, I didnt give him my heart until 2010 in Goulds, FL. alot has happened since then but God has been so good to me, he is faithful. Whatever he promised you he will do in his time.
August 2020 by Don Jordan
Great people great time there