October 2020 by Matthew U.
This Rite Aid is kind of tucked away in an area of Johnstown that most people overlook when it comes to shopping. Along with that, this Rite Aid is kind of overlooked as well. From the outside it looks outdated as it is one of the older styled buildings that you have seen over the years. However, with the look outside that doesn't mean the inside is outdated. Fully remodeled on the inside, looks fresh and clean.I only needed a few things and kept hopping between stores to find what I needed. Out of all the items I needed I only found one here. I did browse a bit. They have all that you would need if you were shopping in a pinch. But it is a bit small here. Yes, it may be remodeled, but with the older looking store you have an older footprint. With the older footprint there is less space. Meaning that they are attempting to cram all that they can into space that can't hold it. Or some items are just missing altogether.The lady that was working the register was quite charming and made my check out entertaining. She had a quaint charm to her and made you feel welcomed.