Pennywise fuel, and Mr. Jack Pennywise himself has been supplying us with propane and oil for the last 20 years. Their staff is super courteous and deliveries are always on time. If you need propane or oil make Pennywise your 1st call.
February 2023
Excellent customer service. You never run out of fuel.
February 2023
You will never run out of propane ( perfectly monitoring your usage) but you’ll always get the best price.I use them for 2 of my properties . If you need a delivery right away they do show up.
PennyWise Fuel has been providing premium heating fuel and energy products to the Pocono area for over 40 years. As the leading supplier in the area of home heating fuels; PennyWise has the resources to deliver heating oil and propane safely, consistently, and at competitive prices. PennyWise Fuel has delivery trucks throughout the Pocono region 5 days a week and emergency deliveries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our service technicians are certified, provide cleanings and installations, including 24 hour emergency service for all your heating equipment needs.