Filer Auto Body Inc.

Auto Repair, Body Shops
113 Breckenridge St, Grove City PA 16127


7AM - 4:30PM
7AM - 4:30PM
7AM - 4:30PM
7AM - 4:30PM
7 - 11AM

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About Filer Auto Body Inc.

Filer Auto Body is a Collision Repair Specialist that has been around for over 65 years! Started by Joseph, Robert and Merle Filer we still to this day show the same devotion to our customers that our founders showed when they first opened the doors in 1946. Now passed down to the second generation, Mark A. Filer (son of founder Joseph E. Filer III) is working to continue our service to the community while making small improvements along the way. We do our best to accommodate the needs of every customer, and we will work with you and your insurance company to get your vehicle done in a timely manner so that you can get back on the road again! In the last 15 years our industry has changed dramatically, we have moved from catalogs, pencil and paper to the computer era where everything is done with a click of a mouse. We are constantly changing and updating to keep up with today’s fast moving economy so our work today can continue tomorrow. Our largest and most recent update came in August of 2009 when we updated to Sikkens AutoWave ECO-FRIENDLY water based paint system. Water based paint is the way of the future, it was costly, time consuming and we gained little from the update but we believe that it is just a little thing that we are doing today to make the world a better place for future generations to come.

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