February 2019 by Bubby Tubby
This is from friend of mine om posting it here so people will know to steer clear of acrp in ebensburgh only cant any others cant let them get away with assaulting young childrenI WANT EVERYONE TO SHARE THIS AND HELP IT GO VIRAL!I know that I have posted all this stuff before but I wanted to get all the pics in one post and explain my story again so that we can make this viral so we can get the word out.My son attends a summer camp and after school program though an agency known as the Alternative Community Resource Program. This company works with children that have mental disabilities like ADHD, ODD, Autism and many other things like these.Now that ACRP has been explained now to talk about our situation. We got a call from the camp director stating that they had to restrain my son which is illegal to do to children under 13 in the state of Pennsylvania, something I didn't realize until we started looking into the laws. He got upset over a toy that he was not allowed to retrieve because it had fallen under a van. He got extremely upset and started to throw a tantrum which is common in kids with ADHD and ODD. He began swinging at the camp director which yeah, he should not of done, but we're talking about a kid who has some issues. At this point that is when they decided to restrain him. This isn't the first time they had to but never left a mark before.As I said we had receive a phone call about it and I really didn't think anything of it because this isn't the first time. It was after she got off the phone with us, his parents, that my son discovered a bruise on his shoulder and had asked that they call us back to let us know. The camp director refused. I was also told by my son that 3 people had to restrain him. Now these are full grown woman and he's 10 years old. He was apparently dropped at one point which was what happened to his shoulder. That one might be able to be explained but what about the rest? 3 days later and he still has most of the marks.At this point, as parents, we are infuriated and want answers. We took my son to the hospital where they took pics and Children and Youth Services were contacted. The next day CYS shows up and basically turns it around on my son and says he is to blame for all of it. We also contacted the police and an officer went to question these 3 woman. They said that they had feared what he might do to him so the cop said that these "3 GROWN WOMAN" have a right to defend themselves. As of right now they have practically gotten away with hurting my child.I've gone as far as to contact the media and they have even ignored my plea for help. This is my last bit of hope. Please help this go viral. Share away. People need to be aware of the dangers of some of the people at the ACRP in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. People need to be aware so that this doesn't happen to their child. Please hear my plea and help us get the word out. Maybe together we can stop this from happening to another child!