June 2023 by Deri Dannenbrink
I purchased this bike for my special needs son. We put it together and found that we were missing a part in one of the wheels. I have left phone messages and emailed the company and I have not had a reply . It has been two weeks.
April 2021 by Kira Elbeyli
My 5 year old loved it! He learned to pump very quickly. Now he has to learn how to steer. Very high quality. I’m so happy with it
April 2019 by Crystal Hardie Bedford
My daughter received her pumper car last night and for the first time in her 9 years is able to keep up with her siblings while they ride bikes! She has a very rare typically terminal skeletal disease and has had over a hundred surgeries and procedures. Her hips and joints don’t move like an average person and we have tried every type of bike and scooter and ride on out there. My mom saw the pumper car and ordered it for her. I was skeptical that it would be any better than any other ride on product we have purchased but i couldn’t have been more wrong. The complete joy and freedom she has at being able to ride to the mailbox just like everyone else is amazing! We love it!