Main Auto Body, Inc
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts,
Body Shops,
Car Glass RepairHours:
2408 Main St, Philomath OR 97370 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
May 2021
No idea about the service or skills but had to pull over when my pool fell off the roof of my car. Very nice and helpful people. Thank you! Idk how we would have gotten that home without help.
April 2020
Outstanding service and quality, excellent customer service from everyone there!
February 2020
Picked my car up after getting repaired...So very happy with the work that was done on top of making me feel like i have a brand new car. Thank you for making it shine inside and are amazing!!
More Comments(14)
About Main Auto Body, Inc
Main Auto Body, Inc offers auto body repair services in Philomath, OR including glass replacement, car alignment, paintless dent repair and collision repair. The technicians at the shop have all new, state-of-the-art equipment to repair any damage and all of our work comes with a lifetime guarantee. We have specialists on hand to help file the insurance claims you need and guide you through the process. The shop is conveniently located off Highway 20, less than 5 miles west of Oregon State University in Philomath. Contact our technicians for more information or to schedule an appointment to get your car back on the road.
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