Peak Sports is an excellent source of outdoor gear, clothing and knowledge. Their employees are steeped in local lore and can guide you in your purchases. They also go the extra mile to make things right when they go wrong. I have nothing but praise for the shop!
January 2024
I asked if white gas had a shelf life. Employee went to the computer and researched my question. I really appreciated his effort to answer my question
October 2023
Fantastic bike shop! Jon helped me get a bike set up with different gearing and brakes which made a huge improvement. Fast service and good prices - this is my go-to shop.
Peak Sports Bike Shop has been serving the needs of outdoor enthusiasts in Corvallis Oregon since 1971. As a locally owned and operated outdoor retailer, we are proud to be an excellent resource for the products and knowledge you need to make the most of your outdoor adventures. Our goal is to ensure you have a great experience at Peak Sports. From equipment to expertise, we want to provide you with the tools needed to enjoy the great outdoors, whether you're on foot, a bike, a boat, or the snow. Visit us today - we look forward to seeing you!