“Reasonably well-stocked liquor store near OSU main campus. Generally has a good selection for most types of spirits. Individuals "hunting" or looking for "allocated" or "hard-to-find" bottles may wish to steer clear of this store - the store uses an unadvertised waitlist method for selling many of these products (i.e., such products will never be available on the shelf).”
“Great shop with a good selection, especially for a town the size of Corvallis, and very friendly, helpful service. Their selection of frozen ingredients is particularly good.”
“Not a liquor store, but definitely still the best damn beer and wine store in the state. Incredible selection with helpful and friendly staff. Totally worth a stop if you’re in town and looking for some good, reasonably priced beer.”
“Love the friendliness & efficiency of all the employees. Absolutely great service and excellent choice of products! No other liquor store in Oregon can beat them!”