December 2024 by Laurie Woodner
I really wish they would have a website so that I can check the availablity of products before I go in.
September 2024 by Bright Idea Property Group
Well Stocked store and staff is super friendly and helpful. Water test kits available for pickup anytime and drop offs on Tuesdays.
Thanks !
August 2024 by Colin Chandler
Just moved into the neighborhood, already like the place and the people that work there
August 2024 by MANVIR SINGH
Neat and clean store. Always stocked up
July 2024 by Steven Scott
My wife phoned over to the Osgoode Foodland to order an extra large Fruit & an extra large vegetable tray for a Canada Day party we hosted both trays fantastic, fresh fruits and vegetables, looked and tasted great, we are still picking away at them on the third day.
Thanks to whoever prepared them!
The Scott family
May 2024 by Joe Childers
It is awesome to have this store in Osgoode and we try to stop in here a couple of times a week to pick up a few items. They have a great selection of groceries and there is an LCBO in the back. Archie is always incredibly friendly and willing to help you find something. I was looking for a toothbrush a few days ago and I went up and down the isle at least 3 times without success. Archie was so nice and walked me right over to where they were, apparently my vision was bad that day.Of course another big chain store might have something a little cheaper but it's at least 15 minutes away. If you need something last minute this store most likely has it. They often have good deals on meat if you aren't picky about what you want for dinner tonight.
April 2024 by Shar M.
Love this store..very clean and friendly..bit expensive but great service.
February 2024 by Dom C
It is a decent store, but prices are way to high. Best to try shopping somewhere else if you have the chance.
November 2023 by Ordo Y.
Sometimes they like to trick you...they say it's 24 hour ,you arrive to find it closed, locked up tighter then Grandma's courset.. Well ,I was pleasantly surprised to find the isles brightly lit and the displays brimming with beautiful fresh Ontario produce. I started ,like most of us ,in the vegetable section. We all sort of weave a delusional right to left pattern as if stumbling through some giant pumpkin labyrinth in the middle of Farmer Cathy's field. We touch, squeeze and smell around the first few turns...meanwhile eyeing the cup cakes and stuffed bread rolls coming up in the distant rows. In our cart we toss some beets ,a bag of rotting carrots and wilted lettuce. None of which will reach the pits of our stomach but end up in a smelly landfill providing a delicious snack for some seagull trying to make it back to Nova Scotia. Ditoxin Methalhydrate and silica nitraxte sounds more like a grade 9 chemistry class then a pack of cupcakes..in the cart they go along with the clang of a frozen pizza that unsurprisingly contains the same ingredients as the cup cakes. I remove my shoes in the meat aisle, my feet were so sore from sitting at my desk all day. As I bent down to remove my shoe I slipped a delicious sirloin steak into my purse."This guy makes a killing...just look at the prices..who cares!" I thought as I adjusted my skirt and hair For who I don't know ,the store was empty except for some deadbeat late night teenager throwing her live away. My feet felt cold on the newly waxed floors "Maybe a slip and fall tonight, that may help$$.I pulled the pregnancy test off the shelf and laughed ,it'd been such a long time that I'd really connected with anyone.Threw it down the sleeve of my coat just in case. The ice cream looked so delicious, wish I could fit that in my purse.I set it in the top of my cart and wrenched on it hard enough to get a corner of the lid off.Slid one finger under the rim....ummmmmm choclate with salted caramel.. I licked my fingers clean like some old alley cat and headed for the checkout. Ordo
September 2023 by Michael Thomas
Would love a self checkout or more cashes open since some of the cashiers are very slow. Most of the new ones are good so a step in the right direction I guess.
August 2023 by Charles Murray
Friendly rural grocery store, the on the pricey side.
August 2023 by Naomi switzer
Clean and well organized, but some of the items are way over priced!
August 2023 by Mike Huizenga
Great staff, Clean store, Well stocked, Friendly atmosphere! Owner has a beautiful smile!
July 2023 by Susan Nichol
Archie I am visiting from PEI and a former resident of Osgoode. I heard your store looks amazing and you are too!! So I stopped in yesterday to see for myself. WOW!!! All the best to you and the staff!!
July 2023 by D W Thompson
This place is in a very quiet town. Not much activity at the time we stopped by. However, the associates were busy stocking shelves. They didn't pay much attention to our group. I must say they were kind enough to let us use the bathroom. Thank you, we appreciated your kindness.